Hearing Care for


At Northwest Audiology & Hearing Aid Center, our Audiologists are trained to work with pediatric patients from newborn and up. We focus on addressing the auditory needs of each individual child. We conduct specialized testing to evaluate the child’s hearing abilities or auditory processing abilities and provide intervention. Early detection and intervention with hearing loss is critical for the child’s proper development. We also work closely with the Ellensburg school district to provide accommodations for children with hearing loss in the academic setting.

small toddler is sitting in the sound booth on her father's lap and with the Audiologist placing headphones over her ears

Visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA)

VRA is testing for infants and young children using behavioral conditioning and visual reinforcement to assess hearing. VRA is typically used for children between the ages of 6 months and 2 to 3 years.

small toddler is playing with a toy in a toy room

Play Audiometry

Play audiometry is a hearing assessment designed for young children between the ages of 2 and 5 year, who have developed the ability to participate in structured play activities. This test is typically performed in the sound booth.

a small toddler is sitting in a sound booth getting her hearing tested with the audiologist in ellensburg

conventional Audiometry

Conventional audiometry is traditional testing performed in the sound booth. It provides valuable information about how the child is hearing and is typically used with children between the ages of 5 and 22 years.

newborn baby laying on his belly and smiling

Otoacoustic emissions testing

Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE’s) are an objective measure used to assess the hearing of infants and young children. This test can measure the response from the outer hair cells in the inner ear to help with diagnosis of hearing loss. This test is also typically performed during a newborn evaluation.

small child smiling at the camera and covering one eye with her hand, playing with a teddy bear


Tympanometry testing is performed to evaluate the condition of the middle ear and mobility of the eardrum. This test provides valuable insight about the middle ear function and can help diagnose conditions such as middle ear infections, eustachian tube dysfunction, and other middle ear abnormalities.

a small toddler is playing with a train set on the ground

Auditory processing disorder (APD) Testing

APD testing is a series of tests designed to evaluate the presence and severity of auditory processing difficulties in children. APD is a condition that affects how the brain processes auditory information. The areas of testing include: dichotic listening, temporal processing, speech-in-noise, auditory figure ground, as well as language and cognitive assessments.

pediatric hearing aids are pictured in various colors

Hearing Aids

for Children

Hearing well impacts every area of a child’s life, from social development to language and speech development and academic success, which is why well-fit pediatric hearing aids can help your child get ahead in life.

children are sitting at their computers in a classroom and a teacher is helping one of the students

FM Systems

for Children

It is important for all children, especially those with hearing challenges, to hear well at school. Classrooms are a dynamic place and to fully participate, every child needs to hear not only the teacher, but also classmates and multimedia devices.

custom earplugs are keeping this girls ears dry while she is swimming in a pool

Swim Plugs

for Children

Custom fit swim plugs prevent moisture from entering the ear canal. They are optimal for swimming, watersports, and showering to prevent infection. We take a custom impression of the ear to complete the order.